of course, there was no doubt to be that they would. my oldest brother, Brian, and his fiance, Carla, made their union official on june 25 as they exchanged vows in her hometown of san jose.
i could not be happier for the both of them. i look up to my brother for many reasons. ever since i met Carla in person at my high school graduation party a little over a year ago, i had the feeling she was the one for him.
i had tried to skeptical; tried to find that one thing that might make me think she wasn't good enough for my brother. somehow, i couldn't.
in fact, i was shocked, amazed and moved last august when i visited them at their san francisco apartment by an extreme act of kindness. essentially, she designed a spare room for me for whenever i wanted to get away from school for a weekend. there was a cute little bed, study desk and a chest of drawers in a room with a theme of my favorite color.
for a refresher; please refer to my blog from that time: http://tinyurl.com/sfbayarearocks
a year later, i was as anticipatory as anyone as the wedding approached. it was extremely exciting, yet a little sad. the latter of which was that with Brian being the first of the eight of us kids to marry, it was almost like the end of an era. of course, i gained a sister-in-law rather than lost a brother (though i've always hated that line!).
Carla's family came in mostly from california, while several of my extended family members made the trip from as far as new mexico and iowa. we all were treated to a wonderful ceremony between two loving people. She was absolutely beautiful and he looked ever the gentleman. the reception was elegant, inviting and joyous.
though not a member of the wedding party myself, several of my siblings played a part in the event.
my brothers Kevin and Brandon were groomsmen. my next-youngest sister Jessica played the intro music as guests were seated, then the wedding march as Carla walked down the aisle. she also played a couple hours of music after the initial band was finished, accompanied by my youngest brother Keith on the drums. Keith had did double duty as well, having been an usher seating guests prior to the ceremony.

she was so much better than fine. she was tremendous! her huge smile lit up the aisle as she walked down it, calmly laying rose petals along the way. i was so proud of her. i often refer to her as my munchkin but, on this day, she was purely an angel.
so here i am with a new pride in my siblings and a new addition to the family. i think everything is turning out just right.
~ Kassandra