wow ES, so much aggression, and all of the sudden as well. are you really continuing to dwell on the four blogs per week thing (i'll prove you wrong once and for all on that in a moment)? i don't know if your unsolicited attacks on me are truly personal, or if your just sticking up for your new-found mate, EA.
i literally laughed out loud with my best friend when you claimed to know it all (i'm assuming that was tongue-in-cheek) after you addressed "KP" and told him to hire the GM he wanted ... i thought Paul Allen was the owner looking to hire a new GM. very humorous (Lebrona the Piranha strikes again!).
you're last couple comments directed me have shown a new level of immaturity and lack of any basis of fact whatsoever (mostly just assumption and conjecture). in fact, your attempt at applying a new nickname to me is even more lame than your massively confusing player nicknames.
as for your hang-up on my statement that MB had posted 3-4 blogs a week ... all you have to do is review the first half of april, and perhaps the last few days in march to find that i was, indeed, correct on my estimation that four blogs had been written during any one week. it happened more than once.
basically, MB posted 10 blogs in 19 days between march 27 and april 15. from march 27 to april 1, just a 5-day span, there were four blogs. interestingly enough, in the eight days of april 8-15, there were five blogs. so, we have just learned that i did not 'exaggerate' as you say, and that you continue to erroneously be hung up on one little point.
as i previously stated, you have the right to state your opinions. just keep in mind that Lebrona the Piranha has the right to show you when you are blatantly wrong, that is, if i don't choose to ignore your propaganda, as well.
~ Kassandra
Blogs regarding any number of subjects are displayed here. As the title indicated, these are my thoughts.
About Me

- Kassandra
- I'm Kassandra an Oregon girl at heart. Attorney at Law. My parents are both U.S. army veterans and continue to serve in the military in other capacities. I have four brothers (two older, two younger) and three sisters (all younger). I love each of them for all of their individualities and their commitments to the examples set by our parents. Aside from my family, I have several friends who mean a great deal to me. Notable are my best friend from high school and my best friend from college, I'm strong in analytical thinking. I am able to process things from several viewpoints simultaneously. I'm open and honest. Note: I'm interested in receiving feedback on this blog, but I request that the comments pertain to the actual blog itself, and I do not approve anonymous comments.
ReplyDeleteI was just reading through Mike Barrett's blog and saw this comment of yours: "did anyone else notice that our summer league team reflected the regular team in that win. someone stepped up at any given point in the game and made a difference -- just like what the blazers did so many times last season." I noticed the same thing! I saw that you blog so I checked to see if it's also a basketball blog.
Haha, although it's not, consider this a hello from a fellow diehard Blazers fan.
this is my personal blog, meaning it contains things which primarily involve me. since i am a huge portland trailblazers fan, sometimes it will include things involving basketball or the blazers. hello back to you, and do you have a name?
ReplyDelete~ Kassandra
Of course I have a name :)
ReplyDeleteIf you don't mind, may I ask if you know of any blog sites that blog about Blazers? I frequent several, but am wondering if there are others out there worth knowing about.
would you mind telling me what that name might be (and when i ask that, i'm not looking for a yes or no - i'm asking you directly for your name)? Mike's Blog is one, and through the blazers website there is another one by Casey Hodhal, but i think that's mostly commenting on news blurbs that Casey publishes. there is a place called which i have posted on a handful of times. i have never been there but at there i a blazers section. that's about all i know there.
ReplyDelete~ Kassandra
hmm, those are all sites that I already know about. Blazersedge is a great site; MB's blog offers a nice, albeit sometimes homeristic, take "from someone on the inside"; I try to avoid the O-Live forum due to the nastiness of some (i.e. many) of its posters. Thanks anywho.
hey Dion, i thought maybe you had heard of those. these three are all i really know about. i like Mike Barrett's blog because i vew him as a bit of an insider. i think there's a line he can't cross, but he gets close to it here and there. i'm basically just getting used to it, but it seems to be more diverse from a commenting standpoint.
ReplyDelete~ Kassandra
ReplyDeleteThanks for the reply on my post on MB's blog. Sorry I haven't replied to you. These players and their contracts are getting out of hand! I love the example about Steve Blake, that was spot on. Anyways, just wanted to say hi and thanks. Hope Maui was fun (I'm so jealous).
thanks Rusty! maui was incredible; in a word, breathtaking! i loved it. don't worry about response times or anything like that; just glad you made it by!
ReplyDelete~ Kassandra
True. Stepping outside of our comfort zone to read and consider differing opinions makes us more knowledgeable fans.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I've seen some of your posts on BEdge; are you enjoying that site?
well, i'm figuring it out a bit more, and that makes it a little more interesting and enjoyable. other blazers fans seem pretty cool, and a couple have been very helpful. given that, i'll keep posting there for a while.
ReplyDelete~ Kassandra
Good to hear! If you have any questions, I can also help, although being a Stanford girl, I doubt you'll need any. Plus those guys over there seem eager enough to help already ;)
lol they've helped a lot already. i'm not too worried about the flirtatious behavior. it's a bit hard to keep up with it.
ReplyDelete~ Kassandra
Well glad you enjoyed Maui. Wish I could enjoy some Maui action lol. Oh well. Just dreaming about next year's basketball season is good enough! Have a good week!
ReplyDeletePS-I bet the flirtatious behavior is hard to keep up with lol. Some of those guys just won't give up lol. Stay strong! :)
i'm ready for the season to start now! lol
ReplyDeleteit's really not a problem, i can handle a little flirting.
I bet you can. I even bet you dish out a little flirting of your own ;).